How to Stop Fraudsters from Hacking Your Cash App Account 1800-276-7505
Have you ever heard of an account takeover? Not the kind where celebrities take over social media accounts to snap photos of their day. I’m talking about the more malicious kind, where fraudsters gain access to your email and password and access your online accounts with bad intent. Once fraudsters hack into your account, they can get hold of your private information, divert your transfers, or commit credit card fraud. While the Square Secure team performs 24/7 fraud monitoring on your behalf, here are four things you can do to stop fraudsters in their tracks. How to stop hackers- 4 Ways to Prevent Account Takeovers 1800 276 7505 1. Create unique passwords. The most important thing you can do to stop hackers and protect your personal and business accounts from being taken over by fraudsters is to pick unique passwords and then change them regularly. Here are qualities of a strong password: It’s long and complicated . Eight letters? Fine. Sixteen letters? Even better....